Catching Up: Projects and Creative Reflections
Some thoughts on recent work, with gratitude for the opportunities along the way.
Dear friends,
the last months were a bit busy with running after deadlines for various projects.
But now things are calming down and I finally have some time for creativity and reflection.
Here is a quick breakdown:
100k Studio / Websites
As mentioned some weeks before, we just finished the design and development for Ventana. Now we are working on the website for a renown advertising agency from NY.
We feel lucky that new exciting projects are always lining up and that we are collaborating with creative, talented people worldwide. 🙏
Graphic Design
I’ve pretty much moved away from graphic design. Those jobs don’t pay well, and clients usually change everything, making it more of a headache than it’s worth.
Nevertheless I am currently working on an exciting branding project which I hope to present to you soon. I am collaborating with the talented illustrator Jens Roth on this one.
Live Visuals / Touchdesigner
I still love performing live visuals, but my style, especially with TouchDesigner, has started to get a bit boring for me.
I’m thinking of preparing AI videos to mix live. Programming 3D live-reactive graphics just doesn’t excite me at the moment.
AI art / images / animations
I feel that also here I reached a point where I start to repeat myself. I stopped uploading my AI-morph everyday because of this reason.
I am thinking of how I can create my AI work in a broader context.
This can be an exhibition, the combination with traditional painting, telling a story or setting up a creative system which other people can use.
Marketing / Newsletter
Thank you for reading my articles and newsletter ❤️ It means a lot to me!
I can see how the audience is slowly but constantly growing. In the next weeks I want to give it a push and see how I can reach more people by advertising on the social channels and spreading the word a bit more.
Also I am currently publishing my newsletter on the two platforms Medium and Substack. If you read this in an email, you are reading this article on Substack.
I am considering to stop publishing on Medium, because I don’t get that many readers from there.
Making Movies
Last but not least I want to talk about making movies.
In the beginning of this year I travelled to Bangkok to write the script for my new movie. In the last couple of months I took a healthy break from it — an emotional distance is important sometimes.
Malak Haynes, a very good friend of mine started to produce his first movie called Aquarelle. Like me he had absolutely no clue of how to produce a movie — but just went for it.
Visiting him on set yesterday and seeing all those people working smoothly together was such an amazing and strong experience. I was instantly back in movie mode and realized how I miss those people.
That’s one of the most beautiful parts about making movies: Collaborating with all those amazing and creative people.
The movies got me back. My creative break is over 🚀
Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff ❤️
Much love,